What is this?

The nervous system is a complex network of neurons that carries information throughout our bodies and allows us to think, feel, and interact with the world. It is a web of communication between the brain, spinal cord and the various peripheral nerves spread throughout our bodies. This system regulates physiological processes, such as heartbeat and blood pressure, and maintains our homeostasis, which is essential to keeping us alive and healthy. By working in conjunction with other systems, the nervous system allows us to consciously experience and respond to our environment, connecting us to the physical, spiritual, and emotional realms. Thus, the nervous system plays a key role in human experience and our ability to interact with the world around us.

See also: mycelium, fungi, sensory gating, immune system

Myth, Mycelium, and Rewilding Masculinities 1,416

DAVID ABRAM & SOPHIE STRAND: Magic as Radical Embedding in our Web of Relations 1,080

UWP interviews 002 with Sophie Strand June 2021 1,074

Sophie Strand: Myth & Mycelium 679

On Mycelium, Compost, and Animate Sensibilities: A Conversation With Sophie Strand 278

Re-imagined Education, Cybernetic Flow and Bewilderment with Sophie Strand and Bayo Akomolafe - E147 274

Re/searching the Sacred | REC 2.0 210

Re/Turning to the Sacred | Re-imagining Education Micro Conference 129

Sophie Strand & Andreas Weber: Risking New Shapes, Queering Biology, Becoming Good Soil 88

SOPHIE STRAND on Myths as Maps /312 84